Simple tips and recommendations to stop snoring

Simple tips and recommendations to stop snoring

Snoring is one of the annoying situations for many people at night. Depending on the intensity, it may or may not let our partner or the people who sleep with us sleep. They are quite annoying and can mean a problem, so here we bring you some easy-to-apply tips and recommendations to stop snoring.

What is snoring?

Snoring is noise when sleeping that appears when the air touches some of the structures of the pharynx and makes them vibrate. It is difficult to get rid of them, however, when the situation is not very serious, some home remedies can be put into practice to stop snoring and solve the problem. These are:

Tips to stop snoring

  1. Do exercises with your tongue to strengthen your tongue to prevent it from slipping back during sleep. There are several exercises you can do, one of them is to stick your tongue out and take it as far up and down as you can, as well as to the right and left for a minute.
  2. An "anti-snoring" dinner is the best way to stop snoring or reduce its intensity. Opt for a light meal to prevent your stomach from filling up and putting pressure on your diaphragm. Also, avoid dairy and don't drink alcohol within 4 hours of going to sleep.
  3. Sing before you go to sleep. It is a simple trick that can help people who do it because of a lack of muscle tone in the throat to stop snoring. For example, saying the word “unga” several times in different tones for 18 minutes is an effective measure against snoring.
  4. Sleeping on your stomach is one of the causes of snoring. Sleeping upright will make your tongue and roof of your mouth rest against the back of your throat, narrowing the airway and causing you to snore. The solution to stop snoring is to sleep on your side.
  5. Exercise every day. The reason is that physical activity is associated with fewer sleep-disordered breathing, including stopping snoring.


5 minute method to stop snoring Finally!

5 minute method to stop snoring Finally!

This time we bring you an effective and guaranteed method to stop snoring in 5 minutes ... or at least decrease its intensity.

What foods you should eat if you want to stop snoring

What foods you should eat if you want to stop snoring

Next we will tell you which foods you should eat and which not to stop snoring. Read on and find out what they are.